
At CryptoGames we’re always looking to keep our selection of coins current and deliver the best end-user experience we can. With this in mind, we have taken the decision to delist two currencies from the site; Monero and Dash.
Why is this happening?
We are removing these coins for two reasons, lack of volume for deposits and also increased regulatory crackdown on centralized exchanges.
When is this happening?
We encourage all users to begin withdrawing their current balance of both coins before February 1st. You may have already noticed that we have disabled deposits for both coins and on February 1st, we will be delisting both coins and they will no longer be available to gamble with.
Will they be replaced?
As you may have noticed, we have recently added SHIB, USDT and USDC to the site and we’re constantly looking for ways to improve the site. If you have some suggestions, please get in touch using the forum’s “Site Suggestions” area.
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