The 13th season of High Stakes Poker continues to deliver massive pots with some brutal runouts. The latest episode featured a clash between DoorDash founder Stanley Tang, Scratch Loan Service CEO Sameh Elamawy, and Humboldt Mike, who irritated Phil Hellmuth so much earlier in the season that he caused the 17-time bracelet winner to quit the game entirely.
With blinds at $500-$1,000 and a $1,000 big blind, Tang raised the action to $3,000 with 8 6
. Sameh Elamawy called with 7
and Humboldt Mike also called with 9
. Jennifer Tilly called from the button with K
and Nikhil ‘Airball’ Arcot called in the big blind with J
With five players in, the pot sat at $16,500 and the flop came down 5 3
. Arcot, Tang, and Elamawy all checked and Mike bet $10,000. Tilly and Arcot folded, while Tang and Elamawy made the call, bringing the pot to $46,500.
At this point, despite his nine high, Mike indeed had the best chance of winning the pot at almost 48%, according to the Card Player Poker Odds Calculator. With his open-end straight draw, Elamawy checked in at 39% while Tang’s gutshot sat at 14% considering the cards that were already seen.
The turn card brought the 7, giving Elamawy top pair and an open end-straight draw for Tang. Mike also grabbed an inside-straight draw as well. Elamawy and Tang both checked and Mike bet again, this time counting out $60,000 with $281,000 left behind.
Tang thought a bit and called with about $95,500 in chips and Elamawy moved all in for his remaining $196,000. Mike checked his cards and folded pretty quickly as Tang called for the last of his chips, swelling the pot to $297,500.
Elamawy stood at 77% to win the pot with Tang now at 23%. Any four, eight, or nine would hand Tang the pot. After choosing to see the river twice, the dealer then delivered the 9 on the river, some salvation for Tang.
The second river was the 4, giving Tang another straight to scoop. Watch the hand below.
*Photo by PokerGO – Antonio Abrego
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